Top 5 in-demand IT-related jobs in 2022

If you read this article, you are either about to enter the job market for the first time, or you are going to make a career change. In both cases, it’s quite a good idea to analyze and get to know which jobs are considered to be in high demand in 2022. It’s worth mentioning that the roles described further are mostly online and IT-focused. The primary explanation of that is the COVID-19 pandemic, which made companies move their businesses online. 
• Cloud Engineer ≈ $130.000/ year
Cloud engineers are basically responsible for managing and organizing a cloud-based system for data storage. They set up a company’s cloud-based architecture through relevant services like ‘Azure’ or ‘Google Cloud’ and keep the existing services and products intact. With relevant experience in database programming/networking, you have all chances to successfully proceed in cloud engineering.
• Data Scientist ≈ $115.000/ year
The second IT-related job role is a data scientist. They should have a profound technical skillset to gather and analyze large sets of structured and unstructured data that turn into meaningful insights. These specialists get messy data from sources like smartphones, social media, and emails in order. According to the recent forecasts, the growth rate for Data Science is 36% through 2026, which is incredibly promising. The primary requirements to be a data scientist are programming, Python, understanding SQL databases etc. 
• Software Developer ≈ $110.000/ year
The demand for software developers has been on the rise for a long time, and it doesn’t show any trends of slowing down anytime soon. There are different roles in software development: mobile developers, web developers or back-end developers. However, job postings mentioning the ‘Software Developer’ usually imply a full stack developer. They are in charge of writing code to solve complex business applications, along with maintaining such code. This job also has a significant growth rate forecast during the next five years – 22%, which is obviously much faster than any average occupation. 
• Marketing Manager ≈ $100.000/ year
It is the first job on this list, not necessarily relating to the IT area. However, it is very close. Today more and more companies are creating separate departments, where developers work with people in marketing. Marketing managers usually focus on monitoring consumer trends and managing all aspects of the marketing plan for any specific service or product. Applying for this position, you are expected to have experience in business management and problem-solving. 
• UX Designer ≈ $90.000/ year
This job role is one of the most exciting ones. It doesn’t require any programming skills, which may be a great advantage to those looking for a smoother career change. According to ‘Ironhack’ UX Design is one of the fastest-growing and invested IT fields, which explains why the UX designer is on the top among the jobs for 2022. A perfect candidate is a power user of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Figma. 
One common thing that helps apply to the positions mentioned above – make sure that you have a relevant portfolio. There are some well-known and recognized sources that ease your job search. Thus, don’t be afraid of sharp career changes. They may bring a lot of success into your life!