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Cyprus Fishing Shelters

The Department of Fisheries and Marine Research maintains and manages 16 fishing shelters for the safe mooring of professional fishing vessels. The programme for the creation of fishing shelters began with the establishment of the Department in 1964. Great importance was given to the construction of fishing shelters towards the north coasts of the island.

Cyprus Virgin Olive Oil

Cyprus Virgin Olive Oil is excellent oil produced by the local Cypriot olive variety. It has an exquisite characteristic aroma and pleasant taste. Olive producing areas can be found all over Cyprus, at an altitude of about 700 metres, while the main production zones are located in plain and semi mountainous areas in the Nicosia and Larnaca districts.

Limassol Carnival

The Limassol Carnival takes place for ten days, with happy and fun masquerades. The carnival is a big traditional celebration whose roots are lost during antiquity and which has been kept over the years and exists until today.

As a traditional celebration, Carnival has been celebrated in Limassol as well as the other towns in Cyprus over the last 100 years despite political or financial conditions, forming a celebration that gives people hope and positivity for a good year.

Botanical Gardens

The creation of a botanical garden is always done with predefined objectives for a specific purpose. The most common reasons for which the decision to create a botanical garden are the following:

  • To protect the biodiversity through the preservation of rare species.
  • The further the scientific study of certain flora species.
  • The environmental education and information.
  • Recreational purposes.


Cyprus Villages list

You can find all the villages located in the various cities, in the different lists below:

  • Famagusta Villages List
  • Kyrenia Villages List
  • Larnaca Villages List
  • Limassol Villages List
  • Nicosia Villages List
  • Paphos Villages List

Green Monday

Green Monday also known as Clean Monday (Καθαρά Δευτέρα) is the first day of lent. Lent is a fasting period of 40 days until Easter which replicates the 40 days in which Moses was in the desert.
