Please see all the related information below such as information about travelling documents, legal points of entry and much more.
Just like any other country, travelling to Cyprus is simple and easy. The documentation required, sometimes may vary based on your nationality. It is required that all travellers must have a valid passport for a stay of up to 90 days, except citizens of European Union countries, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway who may enter Cyprus with their national identity card provided it bears a photo. Other, non-EU third country nationals must have a visa. For more detailed information please visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Cyprus Island has the following legal ports into the Republic of Cyprus and those are Larnaca (Larnaka) and Paphos (Pafos) airports, as well as the ports of Larnaca (Larnaka), Lemesos (Limassol), Latsi and Pafos (Paphos). All of the entry points to the island are situated in the area under the effective control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. Any other entry into the territory of the Republic of Cyprus via any other port or airport in which the Government of the Republic does not exercise effective control (Turkish occupied areas) is illegal.
Detailed information concerning Cyprus's Embassies and High Commissions abroad can be obtained from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Travellers that are coming from an EU Member country, they are allowed to bring their pets to Cyprus but they have to possess a passport or an animal health certificate. For those, who are coming from a non-EU country, they will also need a vaccination certificate (especially showing vaccination against rabies).
For more information please refer to the Veterinary Services ,of the Agriculture Natural Resources and Environment.
All travellers that enter Cyprus is entitled to import the following duty free articles (not intended for commercial purposes), provided they are carried in the passengers' hand luggage or accompanying baggage:
| Alcohol
* Persons that are under seventeen are not allowed to duty free tobacco products and alcohol. It is forbidden to import agricultural products or propagating stock such as fruit, vegetables, cut flowers, dry nuts, seeds, cuttings, without the approval of the responsible authorities. Drug use or possession is strictly prohibited and the import of fire arms, ammunition, explosives, knives, daggers, swords is also strictly prohibited. In addition, prohibited or restricted are pirated or counter feit goods, uncooked meat, fish, milk and dairy products.