In the heart of the Mediterranean, where flavors and history blend seamlessly, Souvlaki stands out as a culinary emblem of Cyprus. This delectable dish, comprising of grilled meat skewers, has transcended its humble origins to become a beloved staple of Cypriot cuisine. Whether served in a bustling...
1. Governor’s Beach Governors Beach is a well-known sandy beach that is situated in the village of Pentakomo in the Limassol district. The particular beach received its name due to the fact that a British governor spent a lot of time at the specific beach and owned a holiday house...
Galata is a village which is located 60 kilometres west of Nicosia at the beautiful valley of Solia. It has an altitude of 620 metres above the surface of the sea and it is built at the two banks of the Klarios River, which is covered in green.
In addition, Galata is connected with the...